So once again I’m in a familar world.
Mainstage on the first day of preproduction.
They’re carrying video walls and swore an assortment of lights.
I am on a very familiar stage. Basicly exactly the same one as warped.
And what’s this? A pallet of oranges?
Are they for us? In fact they are! We are doing 5 min changeovers so the tour bought guitar amps, cabs, and drums. So there’s all the house gear on stage and the bands just walk up with guitars and go… It’s never quite that easy though.
And oops, looks like someone forgot to hang up the banner.
Some quick improvising solved it.
Mainstage crowd looks just a little excited.
Got to play indoors one day.
Told all the aritsts not to get used to it though.
And finaly, for some local color, here’s a view of Flordia.