

 Warped 2009  Comments Off on Denver
Aug 102009

shows have been smooth, its like driving now. I barely remember what each day was like unless it rained or something disastrous happened. yesterday during the last band my attention was entirely diverted to a storm behind my monitor world. there were cloud to cloud lightning strikes and a ton of rain below. It looked pretty far off and the wind seemed to be in my favor so I wasnt concerned. then, 10 min into loadout the wind just takes off and it starts sprinkling. I yell to the local crew to get everything electronic upstage and just leave all the cables. sure enough about halfway through moving stuff it starts pouring, luckily i got the console covered in time. after a few min of rain it turns to hail, this is, of course, after an 80+ degree day. the hail slams everything as we scramble to get everything packed. in the end everything looked pretty dry except the sidefills and subs, which were the most exposed when the rain hit.

 Posted by at 8:03 pm


 Warped 2009  Comments Off on Kansas
Aug 052009

Architects play their hometown and Adams high hat craps out on him, forcing a fast changeout right in the middle of their set.

From Warped Tour

Rocking continued unimpeded

From Warped Tour

and that was it for the 8 day run. Now we get two days off and the rest of the runs are not nearly as long.

 Posted by at 11:48 pm

Some Photos

 Warped 2009  Comments Off on Some Photos
Aug 052009

The Akas rockin strong

From Warped Tour

Getting some big crowds recently

From Warped Tour

TV says chance of percipitation 0% while it is quite obviously raining outside

From Warped Tour

Raining and the stage is on an extreme incline

From Warped Tour

The day, however, was far from rainy

From Warped Tour

Therefore I Am

From Warped Tour

Due to some shit breaking TV/TV had to try out and alternate bass head

From Warped Tour
 Posted by at 11:42 pm

An interesting phenomonon

 Warped 2009  Comments Off on An interesting phenomonon
Aug 052009
From Warped Tour

For some reason people in line each morning feel the need to run as soon as the gates open. I dont know why or where to.

 Posted by at 11:28 pm

More misc photos

 Warped 2009  Comments Off on More misc photos
Aug 052009

Night rocking

From Warped Tour

Lost the trailer at 7:30 am durring an 11 hour drive.

From Warped Tour

Arriving at the field before the stage

From Warped Tour

Someone on my stage is secretly a squirrel and has stockpiled water

From Warped Tour

Right next to the amphitheater. Steps made a mini amphitheater of our own.

From Warped Tour


From Warped Tour

Pouring rain

From Warped Tour

From Warped Tour

Rain and rocking

From Warped Tour

From Warped Tour

From Warped Tour

 Posted by at 11:22 pm

Misc Photos

 Warped 2009  Comments Off on Misc Photos
Aug 052009

Long since forgotten where some of these were taken.

The crowd during Attack Attack

From Warped Tour

< \br>

From Warped Tour

Apparently someone had the genius idea to put an open coffee container in the Architects cooler and it went everywhere. The Architects are one of the tough bands doing the whole tour in a van and trailer, no bus, so thats extra bad.

Interparty system rocking out

From Warped Tour

Branden from the Architects guitar.

From Warped Tour

Jessie from Interparty System in Cleveland.

From Warped Tour

From Warped Tour

Some venues are more serious about fence jumping than others.

From Warped Tour

Massive security contingent for Brokenside

From Warped Tour

From Warped Tour

Shad preforming with the benefit of my very advanced anti water system on my wedges.

From Warped Tour

From Warped Tour

Getting stuck in the recycling device.

From Warped Tour

My wide angle view of the stage, mostly artists have to lean around the side fill to signal me.

From Warped Tour
 Posted by at 11:08 pm